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606 Drum Machine One Shots


With great pride, Woodlands Studio presents the 606 Drum Machine Sample Set. Although it didn’t have the same impact as the TR-808 and TR-909 when it was first released in 1982, the 606, also known as Drumatix, is nevertheless a classic that can be heard in innumerable productions, including the iconic song Flat Eric by Mr. Oizo.


Woodlands Studio are proud to release the 606 Drum Machine Sample Pack. The 606, sometimes known as Drumatix, was introduced in 1982, and although never having the same impact as the TR-808 and TR-909, it is still a classic that can be heard in countless productions, including the classic tune Flat Eric by Mr. Oizo. Samples have been taken from an original 606 as well as a soft synth vst and then run through our analogue processing chain for extra flavour. All sounds are one shots and are quantised to 127bpm.


This sample pack is available in industry-standard 24-bit WAV

  • 12 Cymbals
  • 17 Hi Hats
  • 20 Snares
  • 22 Tom Drums

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